Enrichering Wellbeing programmes by providing business-savvy therapy. 

Business-informed Mental Fitness

Supporting your employees

We offer a range of in-person and online services to improve people's mental fitness and we can adapt our offering to suit your organisational needs.

We typically support the HR/People function and any Mental Health first-aiders when people need professional help. Once they’ve been referred to us, we control and manage the contact from there. I.e. agreed on a way of working, understanding that this is a short-term help, etc

On Your Side Therapy provides a unique Mental fitness service that offers a deep understanding of the corporate world and its impact on mental health. We have significant business experience, with over 20 years in the corporate sector. We have experienced firsthand the types of pressures that arise in the business world, from mergers and acquisitions to layoffs and performance reviews.

Whether you are a CEO, a department leader, or a frontline employee, we understand the unique challenges that you face. We can help you to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as relationship problems, work-life balance, and other issues that can arise in the workplace.

Having a clinical therapist who understands the corporate world can be a game-changer. We can help you to develop strategies for coping with difficult situations, setting boundaries, and building resilience. We can also help you to communicate more effectively with your colleagues and managers, and to navigate your career path.

If you are looking to enhance your well-being and Mental Fitness offering with a therapist who can understand your unique needs and challenges, we encourage you to contact us. We offer a confidential and supportive environment where your employees can feel safe to talk about their experiences and work towards their goals.

Our services.

  • 1:1 Support

    A safe space to pause and talk openly. Great if you're out of shape mentally and want to get fitter, or if you feel ok and want to learn and grow.

  • Workshops / Q&A's

    Bespoke experiential sessions (45-90 minutes) providing insights and tools for change. Using everyday language to explain how thoughts and emotions interact before focusing on techniques to prevent, manage or overcome the symptoms of distress.



Flexibility is key with everyone in different places all of the time. We offer all of our services primarily online, it’s usually the most practical for everyone, however, on Thursdays, we have a London clinic for in-person sessions.

Commerical Information


Negotiable depending upon your needs. Other clients have thought about:

  • Trial periods

  • Pay-as-you-go per session

  • Dedicated onsite weekly sessions

Why is Business-informed Mental Fitness important?

You probably know from firsthand experience that offering someone support, before they feel overwhelmed, can help to stabilise them and empower them to manage their own issues.

Here’s some information about how mental health affects businesses and the economy.

A 2021 HSE report found that work-related stress, anxiety, or depression accounted for 44% of all work-related ill health cases in 2019/20. The report also found that the cost of work-related stress, anxiety, or depression to the UK economy was estimated to be £5.8 billion in 2019/20.

Low productivity, absenteeism, high churn rates, high-stress levels and a lack of employee engagement all affect the bottom line. Reports by Virgin HealthBank and the Society for Human Resource Management state that counselling positively addresses these metrics.

The Mental Health Foundation found that companies that offer in-house counselling save an average of £22,000 per employee, per year. The British Chamber of Commerce found that 70% of businesses in the UK that offer in-house counselling believe that it has had a positive impact on their business. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development found that 60% of employees in the UK believe that their employer should offer in-house counselling, reflecting the changing expectations of employees.

Deloitte reported that employers who invested in employee wellbeing found an average return of £5.30 for every £1 invested.

We can support you.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!